Suggested edits in the platform will be visible to any user with permission to edit the field the suggestion pertains to. You then have the option to assign a suggested edit to individual users, and to a group of users for review. This article explains how to assign Suggestions to specific users or user groups.
Note: You can only assign suggestions to one user or user group at a time. Assigning a suggestion to multiple users will require creating an approval group containing the desired users. For more information, see Create a User Group.
To assign a Suggestion to a user:
- Click Content in the navigation bar and click Suggestions.
- Note: By default, only unassigned Suggestions, and Suggestions assigned to you will be visible. To view all available Suggestions, use the filter bar at the top of the screen.
- Click Review next to the suggestion you want to assign or reassign.
- Click Assign or Reassign. A dialog box appears.
- If applicable, select the suggestion you want to assign or reassign.
- Select the user or user group.
- Click Assign or Reassign.
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