The Post feature allows you to make posts on Facebook, Google, Instagram, Apple, and your website, directly from your dashboard.
Note: To post on Apple, you need to link your Apple Business Account to Yext. For full setup steps how to link your account, visit the How to Link Apple Business Connect Account with Yext guide.
To create a post:
- Click Listings in the navigation bar and click Post.
- Click on the + Add Post button.
- If applicable, select the locations you would like to post to. Otherwise, all locations will be selected by default.
- Click on the All Items button and select the desired locations, folders, or labels from the drop-down menu.
- Click Apply.
- Click on the Select button and check the boxes next to the sites you would like to post to in the drop-down menu.
- Add content to create your post.
- If you are including a URL in your social post, see the expected behavior of each publisher below:
- Instagram: Does not support links in captions so links included in an Instagram post will not be clickable.
- Facebook: Supports links, but behavior will vary. If there is no photo attached to the post, Facebook will display the link with a preview. If a photo is attached to the post, Facebook will display a clickable link with the photo attached, but no link preview.
- Google Business Profile: Supports in-line links but they will appear as the full link. You can add a Google Call To Action to hyperlink a URL to a Google-supported Call To Action Type.
- Apple: Apple does not support links in the content of the post. To add a link to an Apple Showcase post, you will need to create an Action Link, and then select the Action Link as the Apple Showcase Call To Action Type.
To add a photo to the post, click on the + Add Media button, and add your photo using one of the methods.
- Note: If you are posting to Facebook or Instagram, you can select up to 10 photos per post.
- To add an Embedded Field to the post, click on the plus sign icon (
) in the bottom right corner of the text box. This option is not available for all publishers.
- Note: Character limits differ by site, see the next section of this article for more information.
Apple Showcase Posting
Add a photo to your post.
- Photos are required in order to post on Apple.
- Your photo must adhere to Apple's photo and text standards.
- Add a headline to your post.
Select your desired Call-To-Action Type.
- Note: You can add additional Call-To-Actions by setting up Apple Action Links in Yext Content. For more information, see the Apple Showcase Posting reference documentation.
Add a photo to your post.
- If you are including a URL in your social post, see the expected behavior of each publisher below:
- (Optional) To add an Event, Offer, or Call to Action, to a Google Local Post, follow the steps below accordingly:
- Event & Offer
- Click on the Add Google Event button.
- Add the required event information.
- Note: The Event End Date must be within a year of the posting date.
- If applicable, toggle on the Offer Post and add additional information about the offer.
- Note: Offer posts cannot be combined with Call To Action posts.
- Click Add Google Event.
- Call To Action
- Click on the Add Google Call To Action button.
- Select your desired Call To Action Type.
- Select your desired URL.
- Click Add Google Call To Action.
- Event & Offer
- Click Post Now to publish your post, or click on the drop-down button next to Post Now to schedule the post for a future date and time.
- Note: If you are posting to Apple, click Schedule Post. Apple posts require manual approval by the Apple Maps team and must be scheduled at least 3 days in advance. Once you select your date and time, click Schedule Your Post.
Edit a Scheduled Post
- You can edit the content of a scheduled post before the scheduled post date by clicking Edit Post. After making your desired updates, click Save Changes.
Character limits by site
Facebook (
): 5,000 characters
Google Business Profile (
): 1,500 characters
- Instagram (
): 2,200 characters
- Apple(
): 58 characters body, 38 characters headline
Your Site (
): 5,000 characters
Adding a Top-level Comment and Replying to a Comment
If you allow customers to leave comments on your posts, those comments will be pulled in and displayed underneath your post in the Yext platform. To add a top-level comment to the post, select your desired location if applicable, write your response in the comment box, and click Post when you are finished. To reply to a comment, click on the Reply icon (), write your response in the comment box, and click Reply when you are finished. Comments and replies are not available for all publishers.
For more information about posting on Instagram, see Instagram Posting.
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