We house Search front ends in the Pages architecture. Out of the box, we use Git (a widely accepted version control system) to manage your Search code. When you’re ready to build a search experience, you’ll need to create a Git repository in GitHub. In Yext, you can do this by creating a Site in Pages and then adding a repository with the Search Jambo Template, which will generate a GitHub repository with all of the pre-built files you need to create an experience.
To create a Pages Site with Jambo Repository:
- Click Pages in the navigation bar and click All Sites.
- Click Add New Site in the top right corner.
- In the Add a New Site Modal, you have the option to create Pages or Classic Pages Site (Legacy). We recommend you use the standard Pages path. Steps differ depending on the option you choose:
- Pages
- Choose where to store your repository. When building with Jambo and the Theme, select the option for Yext to manage the GitHub repo.
- Click Next.
- Fill in the name of your site. This is only shown internally and used to help you differentiate your sites from each other.
- Select Create New Repository.
- Name your repo. This will be the name of the GitHub repo associated with the site, but still essentially internally facing so you may name it what you’d like. This is automatically filled in based on what you named your site and the account ID (found in the URL).
- Keep “Search Jambo Template” selected. This will create a repo with all the files you need to easily build your search front end.
- Once you click Create Site, you’ll see a build in progress. Once this completes successfully, you’ll have your first deploy with links for preview, staging, and production.
- Choose where to store your repository. When building with Jambo and the Theme, select the option for Yext to manage the GitHub repo.
- Classic Pages
- At the bottom of the Add New Site Modal, click on the add a Classic site link.
- Enter the name of your site. This is only shown internally and used to help you differentiate your sites from each other.
- Click Continue. You will be directed to the Site screen.
- Click Create Repository at the bottom of the screen
- Enter the name of your repo.
- Keep “Search Jambo Template” selected.
- Click Continue.
- Pages
- Now you are ready to open the Code Editor and start building your experience.
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