Responding to reviews has become a critical component of engaging with your customers and providing a great experience. Because of that, it’s important to track review response metrics over time. How many reviews have you responded to? What percent of reviews have you responded to? What is the average time it takes for you to respond?
To help you do this, the following metrics are available in the Report Builder for Review Response: Response Count, Response Rate, and Response Time.
While each of these metrics behave intuitively with entity or publisher filters and dimensions, there are some nuances to be aware of when using time filters or dimensions. Details for each are included below.
Response Count - The number of responses made on reviews (on publishers that support in-platform response).
- Response Count over time is the total number of reviews that were responded to during that time period (regardless of when you received the original review).
- Note: Response count is determined based on when the review was responded to, not when the review was created.
- For Example: If a review is written in January but you respond in February, that response is counted towards February’s total Response Count number.
Response Rate - The percentage of reviews with responses (on publishers that support in-platform response).
- Time agnostic. Response Rate over time is the percentage of reviews received during a certain time period that were responded to, regardless of when they were responded to.
- Note: Response Rate is determined by when the initial review was created, not when the response is created.
- Example: You receive 3 reviews in January and 3 reviews in February, but respond to all 6 in February. If you filter to January, your response rate will be 100% because you responded to 100% of reviews received in January (even though they were responded to in a later month). If you filter to February, your response rate will also be 100%, because you responded to all of the reviews you received in February (not 200%).
Response Time - The average time between the review date and the response date (of all reviews that have been responded to in the platform).
- Time agnostic. Response Time over time is the average time it took to respond to reviews that were received during that time period (at any point).
- Note: Response Time is determined by when the initial review was created, not when the response is created. (If you received reviews on January 31st and you responded to them on February 1st they would still count towards January’s average response time if your time dimension was set for January).
- Example: You receive 5 reviews on January 1st and you respond to 3 of them later that day, with an average of 3 hours each. The average response time will be 3 hours even though you only responded to 3 of the 5 reviews.
Additionally, the following dimensions/filters will be available:
- Response Time dimension/filter
- Multi-option select:
- Less than 1 hour
- Between 1 hour and 1 day
- Between 1 hour and 1 week
- Between 1 week and 1 month
- Multi-option select:
- Awaiting Response dimension/filter
- Single-option select:
- Has response
- Awaiting response
- Single-option select:
- For all of the above metrics, the review time is based on the time that the original review was created on the original publisher or your first-party site.
- These metrics are only available for publishers where we allow in-platform response (Google Business Profile, Facebook, First Party, Yelp Enterprise, Yelp Knowledge, Yell). For these publishers responses made both in and out of Yext will be represented in the data set.
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