Saved filter license assignment allows you to manage the licenses assigned to your entities at scale, by creating a saved filter with specific criteria and assigning it to a license pack.
This process will automatically assign the license pack to any entities that meet the saved filter criteria, making it easier to manage licenses.
For a refresher on creating saved filters, see Create a Saved Filter.
Note: If you are not sure if you have saved filter license assignment available in your account, contact your Yext Account manager.
Before you start
- Review your data before starting this process to ensure your entities are ready to go live.
- As soon as a saved filter is assigned to a license pack, all entities matching the saved filter criteria will go live on that license pack.
- If an entity no longer meets the criteria of the saved filter, it will be removed from the filter, and the selected license will be removed from the entity.
- We recommended creating a unique saved filter for each type of License Pack that you want to use in your account (e.g., Reviews, Listings, Event Listings, and Pages).
Step 1: Create a "Live" field
First, you'll create a custom Yes/No field that you can use to indicate whether an entity should be live with your desired license pack. This will give you extra ability to control which entities are added to your saved filter.
- Go to Content > Configuration in the navigation bar. Then, select the Fields tile.
- Click the Create Custom Field button in the upper right.
- In the Select Field Type dropdown, choose the Yes/No field type.
- Enter a name for the field (e.g., “Live on Listings”, "Live on Pages," etc.)
- Select the entity types this field will be available for.
- Click Save Field.
Step 2: Update the custom field on your entities
All entities that you want to assign to your license pack (including any entities that already have a license assigned) need to be updated so that your custom field is set to Yes.
- Click Content in the navigation bar and click Entities.
- Click on the entity you would like to edit. For steps on how to edit multiple entities at once, see Edit Entities in Bulk.
- Set the custom field you just created to Yes.
- Click Save.
Note: Entity templates are a great tool to ensure all required fields are correctly set when an entity is created. This way, you can be sure that applying an entity template will automatically add entities to the proper saved filters and assign licenses accordingly. For more information about entity templates, see Create an Entity Template, Edit an Entity Template, or Apply an Entity Template.
Step 3: Create a Saved Filter
Now, you'll create a saved filter and set the criteria that all entities will have to meet in order to have a license automatically assigned.
You can launch entities with different sets of criteria on the same license pack. Create a saved filter for each group of entities you want to launch, and you can then associate multiple saved filters with the same license pack.
You can use any criteria you'd like to trigger a license assignment. A table of recommended criteria is below.
License Pack Types |
Criteria |
Details |
All | "Live on [License Pack]" = Yes | This is the custom field you just created to determine which entities should go live on your license pack. |
All | Fields with Data include any fields that your business requires your entities to have before they go live on Listings, Event Listings, Pages, or Reviews | Examples: Name, Website URL, Category, Description, etc. |
Listings |
Fields with Data include:
These fields are required in order to launch Listings on Google and Facebook. If you use Facebook parent pages, we recommend also including the Facebook Parent Page ID field. |
Reviews |
"Live on Listings" = Yes |
Use this criteria if you only want to assign a Reviews license to an entity once it is already live on Listings. |
To create your saved filter:
- Click Content in the navigation bar and click Entities.
- Click + Add Filter.
- Click + Add Filter to add the custom field you just created (e.g., “Live on Listings” = “Yes”).
- (Optional) Add additional filter criteria.
- Click Apply Filter.
- Click on the Save icon in the top right of the filter (
) and click Create New Saved Filter.
- In the modal that appears, enter a name for the filter (e.g., “Assign Pages Licenses”).
- Click Save Filter.
Step 4: Assign the saved filter to a license pack
Next, you'll assign the saved filter you just created to your desired license pack.
Before you complete this step, make sure your entities are ready to go live on the licenses you select. The license will automatically be assigned to any entity that meets the saved filter criteria you set up in the last step.
Note: If you are assigning Listings licenses, the licenses will be assigned instantly to any entities that meet the criteria of the saved filter. However, the timeline for when listings will be synced to publishers will vary depending on the publisher.
- Click on the Account Details icon in the bottom left corner of the navigation bar and select Account Settings.
- Click the License Packs tile.
- Click on the Assign button next to the desired license pack.
- In the modal that appears, select your desired saved filter(s).
- Click Save, and then Confirm in the next modal that appears.
- If you have entities already assigned to licenses in the license pack you selected, but they do not meet your saved filter criteria, they will not automatically lose their licenses. You will see an error message with options to resolve these entities:
- You can edit the entities to meet the filter criteria
- You can edit the filter criteria to match the entities
- You can remove the licenses from those entities.
- If you are unsure about the licenses available in your account, reach out to your Yext Account Manager.
Step 4: View your saved filters that are in use for license assignment
You can view all your saved filters to see which ones are currently being used for license assignment.
- Click Content in the navigation bar and click Configuration.
- Click Saved Filters.
- A saved filter using automatic license assignment will display “Automatic License Assignment” in the In Use By column.
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