This article outlines some of the major status details that appear next to a Google Business Profile listing that is not synced. After resolving the issues, wait 24 hours, unless otherwise stated, to see if the status has changed. If your listing isn’t synced after attempting to resolve these issues, contact Yext Support.
The status details below are broken into groups based on the field that is impacted or the main cause of the issue. Next to each status detail, you will find steps on how to resolve it.
Status Detail |
How to Resolve |
We are unable to locate your address and place it on the map. |
Make sure the address in Yext matches exactly what you have on your Google listing. Edit the Address field:
Adjust the Map Marker:
For more information, see How to Pin Your Entity on the Map. |
The publisher is unable to locate your address and place it on the map. As a result, they were unable to create a listing for this entity. |
The address you provided is incomplete. If you recently added your address, allow 24 hours for this message to reset. |
The publisher has indicated that the state, province, region, or sublocality you provided is invalid. |
Make sure the address in Yext matches exactly what you have on your Google listing. Add or edit the state, province, region, sublocality, or locality in the Address field:
A valid sublocality is required before we can sync to your listing. If you have recently added your sublocality, please allow 24 hours for this message to reset. |
A valid locality is required before we can sync your listing. If you have recently added your locality, please allow 24 hours for this message to reset. |
A valid region is required before we can sync to your listing. If you have recently added your region, allow 24 hours for this message to reset. |
Make sure the address in Yext matches exactly what you have on your Google listing.
Add or edit the region in the Address field:
Adjust the Map Marker:
The publisher has indicated that the city for your business is invalid or missing. |
Make sure the address in Yext matches exactly what you have on your Google listing. Update the City field:
Google does not accept addresses that contain a PO Box. |
Edit the Address field:
For more information about representing your business on Google, see this Help Article in the Google Business Profile Help Center. |
The address provided contains an unsupported character. |
Edit the Address field:
The city you provided contains an unsupported character. |
Google is unable to accurately pin the map marker for the specified address. As a result, we are unable to sync address data to Google Business Profile, but all other data is syncing correctly. |
Log into your Google Business Profile dashboard and re-position the map marker to the correct position. If you believe the pin is already in the correct position, you can toggle the pin slightly and save, then toggle the pin back to the original position, and save once more. |
The postal code you provided is incomplete. A valid postal code is required before we can sync to your listing. If you have recently added your postal code, allow 24 hours for this message to reset. |
Adjust the Postal Code:
The publisher has indicated that your entity has an invalid postal code. |
The publisher has indicated your address field is too long. |
Make sure the address in Yext matches exactly what you have on your Google listing. Edit the Address field:
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
Your business is not currently categorized for this publisher. Please add additional categories to this entity. If you recently added categories, allow 24 hours for this message to reset. |
If your category is correct, no action is required Otherwise you can add a category, add additional categories, or use the advanced category management feature. If you don’t have a category or would like to add additional categories:
Select a category that Google Supports: If you are unable to edit the Categories field, reach out to your Client Success Manager or Support. |
The publisher is rejecting this entity due to an issue with the business category. |
A valid category is required before we can sync your listing. Once you add a category, allow 24 hours for the listing status to update. |
Add a Primary Category:
If you are unable to edit the Categories field, reach out to your Client Success Manager or Support. |
Closed Locations
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
Your entity is currently marked as closed, and we were unable to find a match for your entity on the publisher. We do not create new listings for closed entities. As a result, your listing is not synced. |
Google has indicated this business is not eligible to be re-opened. Businesses that were marked permanently closed can't be re-opened. |
Fill out this form on the Google Business Profile Help Center to request help directly from Google. Otherwise, you can reinitiate the match process to link to a new Google listing. For more information, see How to Reinitiate the Match Process or How to Link Google Business Profile. |
Disabled or Suspended Location
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
Google has disabled this listing and it is no longer publicly accessible. |
If you are an official representative of the company or organization, you can fill out a reinstatement request form in the Google Business Profile Help Center. After filling out the form, you should receive an email in 1-3 days. For more information, see this Help Article in the Google Business Profile Help Center. |
Google has suspended this entity and it is no longer publicly accessible.
If you are an official representative of the company or organization, you can fill out a reinstatement request form in the Google Business Profile Help Center. After filling out the form, you should receive an email in 1-3 days. For more information, see this Help Article in the Google Business Profile Help Center. |
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
Google has identified this entity as a duplicate. As only one instance of the business can be displayed, this listing has been rejected by Google. |
Enterprise Customers: Reach out to Yext Support. Small Business Customers and Partners:
The publisher has flagged this entity as a duplicate of another powered listing. Since the publisher is unable to support multiple listings with very similar Name, Address, and Main Phone numbers, this listing is not synced. |
Contact Yext Support |
Linked Accounts
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
You must link a valid account to sync your listing. |
Link your Google Business Profile account:
Once your account is linked, make sure the linked account has been assigned to the entity.
We had trouble authenticating your Google Account. |
Enterprise Customers: You must reach out to Yext Support to complete this process. Small Business Customers and Partners: Relink your Google Business Profile account:
The Google Account ID has not been provided for this entity or is invalid. |
Enterprise Customers: Reach out to Yext Support. Small Business Customers and Partners: Opt out and opt back in:
For more information, see How to Reinitiate the Match Process. Otherwise, contact Yext Support. |
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
The publisher has indicated your entity name cannot be accepted or is too long. |
Edit the Name field:
This publisher does not support entity names that are greater than 250 characters. | |
Google does not support entity names with more than 6 numbers or punctuation marks. |
Edit the Name field:
The name of this entity contains an unsupported character. |
Edit the Name field:
*See the Guidelines for representing your business on Google in the Google Business Profile Help Center.
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
A valid phone number is required before we can sync your listing. |
Add a Main Phone number:
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
Google has notified us that one or more of your photos do not meet their requirements. Make sure that your photos measure a minimum of 250px on the short edge and a maximum of 5000px on the long edge. Photos must also have a file size greater than 10240 bytes (i.e. 10 KB) and less than 5 MB. As a result, we have excluded sending photos to Google Business Profile, but all other data is syncing correctly. |
Remove and update photos from the Photo Gallery:
We are unable to update your Google Business Profile Cover Photo due to an invalid aspect ratio.
Remove and update the photo from the Google Cover Photo field:
For more information, see Photo Guidelines. |
Google has notified us that syncing your photos with Google Business Profile will exceed the 100 photo maximum for this entity. As a result, we have excluded sending photos, but all other data is syncing correctly. |
Log in to your Google Business Profile dashboard and navigate to your photos. Remove photos until you have reached 100 or less. |
Service Area
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
The provided specified service areas are not valid for this entity. |
Remove invalid service areas:
For more information about service areas, see Add Service Areas. |
Google does not support one of the specified areas provided for this entity. Service areas cannot include unincorporated cities, counties, states, or countries. We have excluded sending the unsupported service area places so that the rest of your data can be synced with Google Business Profile. |
The provided service area places are not valid for this entity. Since your address is not hidden for this entity, we have excluded sending the service area data, but all other data is syncing correctly. |
The provided service area places are not valid for this entity. Since your address is hidden for this entity, we have excluded sending the service area data, but all other data is syncing correctly. |
The service area places are missing or invalid for this entity. Google does not accept entities with the address hidden without valid service areas specified. You need at least one valid service area (no more than 20) in order to sync your data. |
The service area places are missing or invalid for this entity. As a result, we have excluded sending the service area data, but all other data is syncing correctly. |
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
Your entity is not yet verified because your request for bulk verification has not been approved by Google yet. This process takes about a week, but any errors can delay the process. |
Contact Yext Support. For more information about common issues that delay bulk verification, see this Help Article in the Google Business Profile Help Center. |
Google has indicated that another account has verified this entity on Google Business Profile. For more information about resolving ownership conflicts, see this Help Article. |
Google has notified us this entity needs re-verification and is not eligible for updates at this time. This may have been triggered by a change in your business information, such as your category or address. |
For more information about verifying your business on Google, see this Help Article in the Google Business Profile Help Center.
For more information about adding or claiming your business profile on Google, see this Help Article in the Google Business Profile Help Center. |
We are syncing your entity information to Google Business Profile. However, until Google can verify your ownership of the listing, your information will not be shown on Google's sites, including Search and Maps. |
Google requires you to input the verification code received for this listing. |
Verify your listing:
For more information, see How to Verify Your Google Business Profile Listing. |
Your entity is not yet verified because your request for postcard verification is still pending. |
Status Detail | How to Resolve |
The publisher has indicated the website URL is invalid. All other data is syncing correctly. |
Edit the Websites field:
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